Beauty Strong as Stone
(8th-9th of January, 2025)
I cast my eyes, in Carcassonne, upon The majesty of centuries in stone; Upon the beauty with the strength to linger on.
I wondered at that wisdom, nearly gone, In search of which we often seek and roam, And which I cast my eyes, in Carcassonne, upon; In awe, I neared the basilica whereon, Looking up, I saw the gargoyles moan. Yes beauty, but need that strength linger on?
Red bricks and terracotta tiles shone On towers rising up to regal cones, As I cast my eyes, in Carcassonne, upon That beauty which has grown and prevailed long Within the sprawling walls of this grand home; This beauty with the strength to linger on.
And listening to that epic castle's song, I longed to know that beauty's strong as stone; Stone which I cast my eyes, in Carcassonne, upon; Stone with the beauty and the strength to linger on.
A villanelle was so fitting for the message. The castles endure and remain, just like the refrains. I’ve often felt the same, too, when visiting such sites. Great writing and photography as always!
Wow, marvellously poetic, and aren't the stained-glass windows beautiful? I feel captivated to know about Carcassonne history now.